Saturday, January 7, 2012


so much for being frequent with my blog posts.

Well, those of you who mean anything to me are well aware of the changes that have occurred in my life within the last 2 months. And if you don't know, I obviously didn't care enough to tell you. Apologies~~~

But hey! It's the new year! And if you believe that we're all gonna die because the Mayans got reaaaaaaal sick of making up some huge ass calender, gtfo. I don't believe it, and I don't wanna hear it. And even if I am wrong and the world is going to end, what the hell are you gonna do about it? Save us all? Lol. Don't make me laugh.

Hmm. Well I guess I could just blog about random stuff like I normally do.

I like lipstick. As of maybe 2 weeks ago. Before that the only thing I ever put on my lips was chapstick. And every one of you bastards know that chapstick is a God given gift. I bet your lips are dry right now. Did you just lick your lips? Mwuahahahaha.
Anyway, me and my bestfraaan both got some pretty colored lipstick and mine looks like thisssssss:

Photoshoot over. For now.
I felt really good the first day I wore it too c:
me and Dina went to the mall and a lady working at Wet Seal said our shades of lipstick went great with our complexions. WINNING.

If you pay attention to changes, you have noticed I now have bangs.
Excuse them looking like shit, I straightened them for maybe 3 seconds to take pictures.
I like the bangs, but I don't love them. Ohwell, hair grows back.

I was debating on shaving one side of my head or getting dreads. Or both. but it's the middle of winter and shaving my head would be stupid, and I'm extremely attached to my long hair. And dreads are a LOT of work. Enough said. SOO that's still up in the air.

Something I've actually decided on is moving to the west coast as soon as I possibly can. I know this probably won't happen for a few years, but I need to get the hell awaaaaaaaaaaaay. Preferably to somewhere with perfect year round weather. I'll miss Baltimore, and shit, I'll even miss Harrisburg. But they have planes, I'll make my visits.

Hmm. Ever shop at a thrift store? Did you know that they have sweaters as low as $1.00? Did you know they can actually be cute? And did you also know when you bought that one $40.00 sweater at Hollister you could've bought 40 sweaters somewhere the fuck else? Of course you got your taxes to include. But whatever. My rant will end with things I've recently bought at these so called degrading, disgusting thrift stores. Kbai (=

 Shirt: $1.50
 Shorts: $4.00

Dress: $4.00
And I forgot to "model" this blue sweater, so settle for this. And it just so happens that cute boy back there got his shirt from a thrift store too. Both things were $1.50 each.

Badeeebadeebadeee, that's all folks!