Monday, October 31, 2011


is one of the best holidays. This is the first time I'm not going to be trick or treating. And it breaks my heart. I definitely don't think I'm too old, because no one can be too old to go around and collect free candy in some character based outfit. But let's face it, everyone around here is "too cool" for all that. And I'm not gonna do it by myself lol.
Maybe next year. Yeah, definitely next year.
But I still plan on dressing up, cause this is the only day of the year I can dress like a complete idiot and no one can say a damn thing.

Today I reunited with Florence + The Machine. I've always loved Florence Welch, and her voice is possibly one of the best. But for whatever reason, I haven't listened to her in a while. And that needed to change.

Listening and downloading more of her music, brought me to reunite with other old great artists. And all of it made me realize what shit music this generation is bringing. It's depressing me. No one cares about a God given talented voice anymore, it's all about up-beat music and lyrics that have something to do with sex or getting shit faced. Sex used to be hidden in the lyrics. It went from "pink slip inviting me inside" to "gimmie that sweet, that nasty, that gushy stuff".

I'm not saying I hate all of it, cause I listen to a lot of it too. But some of it's just like, really? I'm glad I grew up listening to 90's music and my iPod is full of music that has more meaning to it than getting crunk and/or giving my body up, like it's my job.

Now you're probably like, well Florence didn't come out with an album until the late 2000's. Well yeah. I didn't say all music was bad from this generation. So don't try and start a battle with me, I'll win. And if you really wanna get into it, most of the artists I like from today are from a different country. Other countries who have much better taste in music. Florence, Tegan & Sara. Adele, Coldplay, Mumford & Sons, Ellie Goulding, the list is endless.

But I do recommend each one of those artists if you don't already listen to them. And for your listening pleasure, here are some links of my favorites by Florence + The Machine. I'd do all the artists but you'd get sick of listening, so if anyone really wants me to, just ask. =D

Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love
Florence + The Machine - Kiss With A Fist
Florence + The Machine - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)
Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out
Florence + The Machine - My Boy Builds Coffins
Florence + The Machine - Hurricane Drunk
Florence + The Machine - Spectrum
Florence + The Machine - What The Water Gave Me
Florence + The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms
Florence + The Machine - Leave My Body
Florence + The Machine - Dog Days Are Over

And my absolute favorite by her is probablyyyy

Florence + The Machine - Blinding

That's a lot of songs, but considering she only has 2 albums it's really not. And most of the songs are from the album Lungs, her new album Ceremonials just came out in the UK came out maybe a month ago. So any songs from that album on YouTube, her voice is messed with a little so "YouTube officials" or whatever don't delete them. I tried to get them all with lyrics cause sometimes you can't understand what she's saying I guess. I didn't watch every single video all the way through though, so I can't promise all the lyrics are correct.

I didn't think this post was going to be so Florence based, but whatever.
Happy Halloween (=

Friday, October 28, 2011


It is October 28th, 2011.

If you can't tell, I'm a little pissed about this.
It was sun shiny weather out not too long ago and here comes mother nature with her mood swings.
I'm more pissed that it's ruining my plans for tomorrow, or making them extremely difficult to continue happily with. SO THANKS FOR BEING SO CONSIDERATE SNOW.

On a more serious note, the weather this year is kind of scaring me. We pretty much skipped Spring and Fall. I'm not saying it's global warming or any of that crap, but it's still not normal. And I'm not complaining on skipping spring either because I love hot as hell weather, but I can definitely live without these bullshit below 60 temperatures. As much as I love the east coast, I may be considering moving to the west in the next 5 years.

On to other things.

I found this video, and trying to explain it will do no justice so you just have to watch it.

So if you're still trying to have the best Halloween decorations around, you can swallow your pride and stop yourself. You cannot win.

Another video worth sharing is brought to you by Anonymous.

Boohoo, Facebook will be gone. What will you all do now for fun you might ask? Do not fear. My no life self has some things to share with you. But beforehand, I'd just like to say that I am in complete agreement with what they're doing. If they can actually do it. But it's supposedly legit, it's been on the news and everything. And if you're following the Occupy Wall Street stories, they're involving themselves in that too. They do not appreciate police brutality and they've made it clear by punishing a few in some brilliant ways.

But some things that are better than Facebook:
-Tumblr (follow me c:
-Getting some fresh air in your lungs
-Twitter (eh, not really)
-Reading a book
-Getting a job
-Blogger (this)
-Laughing about things you shouldn't laugh about with your best friend
-Finding your soulmate
-Adopting a new pet

Yeah, there's a million things better to do than Facebook. So quit your whining.

I'd like for you to take a minute of silence at the end of this blog post for my frog Tarzan.
Who got out of the tank and ran away. How the fuck does that work? I'm trying to keep my thoughts of what might of happened to it away from the D word. Now I'm stuck with the retarded suicidal frog Jane who tries to get out every single day and sticks to the walls of the tank looking miserable lol. I feed them and clean their tank and all that fancy stuff, but apparently it's not good enough. Whatever, I still got my retarded kitty.

Tarzan's on the left :'c

Well that's all for now. Have loads of fun doing what you do.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I can't stand, is when a person, that obviously doesn't, thinks they know me.
What makes it worse, is of all people, he probably should know me.
But whatever, worse has happened.

And I'd also like to say that I DO NOT THINK I KNOW EVERYTHING.
Yeah, sure. I'm a smarty pants and got good grades in school.
I may have more knowledge about certain things than some other people.
But God forbid I try to have any say in anything before I get that BS thrown in my face.
This goes right along with not knowing me.

One more thing to say while I'm on this rant. If you respect me, I respect you.
Point blank, end of story. Just because you have this "special title" doesn't mean a damn thing to me.
If you don't deserve respect, why should you be given it?

I'm done.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh man..

It's been over a month since I last posted something.
And I have no defense lol.


I have no idea what to talk about.

Hmm. Well in the past month I've gotten a tattoo that most of you have seeeeeen (= I refuse to put a picture of it now in it's current stage cause it's ugly and peeling/healing. So I'll save that for when it's all nice and pretty. I got a lot of unnecessary shit for that tattoo -___- stories which I will not go into. But I ain't even mad bro. And everyone likes it anyway :3 and even if you don't like it, GUESS WHO HAS 2 THUMBS AND DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN?!

Anyway, my boyfriend who has no life just like me, found these cool 3D images and they hurt my brain but they're pretty damn cool. I got frustrated at first because I honestly could not figure it out. But after 30 minutes of my face literally being pressed on my laptop screen and figuring out the exact way to cross my eyes, I got it. I can't get them all though, he says it's probably just how my eyes adjust, cause one's that are hard for him are really easy to me. If you'd like to look like an idiot trying to figure them out, you can find some here. With me, I find it easier if I know what the 3D image is going to be. Don't know why, I'm weird.

It's a week until Halloween and I still have no idea what I'm going to be. As much as I love trick-or-treating, I think my days are over ..for now. But I will always dress up. I think I'm gonna go with something that's gotta do with being covered in blood (I'm so original, I know). But I'm not spending money I don't have to buy a costume. And today my friends mom showed me this really cool website that.. well I'll just show you.


I thought this was really cool and would go well with my horribly thought up costume.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII don't feel like doing this anymore. Probably why I don't blog that much. But I'll try to keep it up.