Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh man..

It's been over a month since I last posted something.
And I have no defense lol.


I have no idea what to talk about.

Hmm. Well in the past month I've gotten a tattoo that most of you have seeeeeen (= I refuse to put a picture of it now in it's current stage cause it's ugly and peeling/healing. So I'll save that for when it's all nice and pretty. I got a lot of unnecessary shit for that tattoo -___- stories which I will not go into. But I ain't even mad bro. And everyone likes it anyway :3 and even if you don't like it, GUESS WHO HAS 2 THUMBS AND DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN?!

Anyway, my boyfriend who has no life just like me, found these cool 3D images and they hurt my brain but they're pretty damn cool. I got frustrated at first because I honestly could not figure it out. But after 30 minutes of my face literally being pressed on my laptop screen and figuring out the exact way to cross my eyes, I got it. I can't get them all though, he says it's probably just how my eyes adjust, cause one's that are hard for him are really easy to me. If you'd like to look like an idiot trying to figure them out, you can find some here. With me, I find it easier if I know what the 3D image is going to be. Don't know why, I'm weird.

It's a week until Halloween and I still have no idea what I'm going to be. As much as I love trick-or-treating, I think my days are over ..for now. But I will always dress up. I think I'm gonna go with something that's gotta do with being covered in blood (I'm so original, I know). But I'm not spending money I don't have to buy a costume. And today my friends mom showed me this really cool website that.. well I'll just show you.


I thought this was really cool and would go well with my horribly thought up costume.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII don't feel like doing this anymore. Probably why I don't blog that much. But I'll try to keep it up.

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