Not just any carpet, a carpet I've had since before I've known him.
Cleaning it took about 2 hours, mainly because the shop vac we used didn't have an attachment, not because I haven't cleaned it in 5 years lol. But it made me think about a lot of scenes that carpet has been in, and I've come a long way.
Done with that cheesy crap, on to other things!
Tumblr is the best addiction I've ever had. I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Tumblr. It's like, you can find everything you never knew you liked, and post it on an endless page of wonderland nonsense.
Some things I found on Tumblr today, brought here for your entertainment!

And if you're doing it right, it's about this x100 and different everyday.
The internet is a beautiful thing.
Do you know how many different things you can do with potatoes?
Josh and I, for the last few days, have had basically nothing to eat except potatoes.
You'd be amazed.
Alright. I don't have anything else to say. And I need to read the last 200 pages of The Help. Because it's due tomorrow. Have nice days!
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